Münster (D): Klangzeit__#12 WE, MYSELF & I – Female ID

5. October 2024

In this concert, three musicians follow the path from solo performance to duo formations to trio, visualising the path from the I to the We. The festival theme, which deals with the question of identity, is reflected in this concept: does the (self-)perception of the musicians change when they see themselves as part of a larger whole? In this concert, three commissioned works by female composers from NRW will be premiered, including two pieces by up-and-coming young talents on the composition scene.

The new work I am addicted by Jiaying He (*1997 in China), who studied piano in Zhejiang and composition at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, was created thanks to funding from the Zonta Club Münster. Diana Ortiz (*1993 in Colombia), also a graduate of the Folkwang University, specialises in electronic and acoustic composition and has been commissioned by the GNM Münster. Dorothée Hahne (*1966 in Bonn) is a composer, producer and publisher. She studied trumpet in Cologne and Düsseldorf and is known for using electronic means in her compositions without any sound synthesis – these are used exclusively for the repetition and variation of natural sounds. Violeta Dinescu (*1953 in Romania) is regarded as a bridge-builder Continue reading…

Hitzacker (D): Summer Music Days Hitzacker – Opening Concert

27. July 2024

Arnold Schönberg (1874–1951) „Verklärte Nacht“, Dorothée Hahne “RestZeit” für 5saitige E-Violine & Live-Electronic u.a.

The ingenious setting of a text that is problematic from today’s perspective will be the focus of yet another extraordinary opening concert in Hitzacker. Arnold Schönberg’s sextet “Verklärte Nacht” (Transfigured Night), a marvel of late Romantic tightrope walking in terms of harmony, is to be given a new edition with barbs and references to the work when the award-winning Berlin actress Anna Thalbach recites and the Kuss Quartet, expanded by two young stars, performs.

You can find the complete festival program here.

Kuss Quartet, Sào Soulez Larivière – viola, Julia Hagen – violoncello, Anna Thalbach – recitation

We world!

Today they would be pop stars, individually and together. Ida Dehmel (1870-1942) as a Continue reading…

Cologne (D): Vernissage Rosemarie Stuffer – collapse

6. May 2024

Rosemarie Stuffer: Gereonstraße (1), 2007, Mixed technique on canvas, 60 x 80 cm



Exhibition Rosemarie Stuffer on the occasion of 15 years of the collapse of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne 3 March 2009

Opening of the exhibition

Welcoming speech
Deacon Patrick Oetterer

Lisa Oord
Art historian

Dorothée Hahne
Alphorn with Live-Elektronik

Date: 06. Mai 2024, 19 Uhr Continue reading…

Waren (D): New Year’s Eve concert music & reading

31. December 2023

The year comes to an end with music and readings in St. Georgenkirche Waren (Müritz) on 31 December 2023. This year, Christiane Drese will be playing the chest organ, as the pipes of the large Lütkemüller organ are currently in the restoration workshop of the Dresden organ builder Wegscheider. She is looking forward to her musical guests: Luise Schneeweiß on the violin and Imki Niemeier on the double bass. As a trio, they will play the chorales “Das alte Jahr vergangen ist” and “Wie schön leucht’ uns der Morgenstern” in arrangements by Johann Sebastian Bach and Sigfrid Karg-Elert. Dorothée Hahne will perform the composition “Gestern – Heute – Morgen” and Johann Sebastian Bach’s Pastorella BWV 590, while Pastor Anja Lünert will read cheerful and thought-provoking texts.

The New Year’s Eve concert begins at 9 pm. Admission is free, donations for the restoration of the Lütkemüller organ are requested. Continue reading…

Schöppingen (D): 1. Laying of Stolpersteine

19. December 2023

Invitation to participate in the laying of

Stumbling Stones for the Ransenberg family

on 19 December 2023 9:00 am

Continue reading…

CD release: blue – experimental music in the church space

Churches are not only architecturally significant spaces, they are also places of encounter and worship, social spaces, different spaces and also sound spaces. The Archdiocese of Paderborn commissioned compositions for electronic music for these special spaces, which were premiered in September 2023. This double CD documents the compositions. [Further information about the project]

Composers: Florian Zwissler, Oxana Omelchuk, Dorothée Hahne, Tobias T. Hagedorn, Ralf Hoyer, Florian Hartlieb, Nikolaus Heyduck, Ulf Pleines, Christina Kubisch, Christoph Ogiermann und Matthias Krüger. Continue reading…

London: Festival Unboring

6. December 2023

Rothko Collective Presents: Festival Unboring

6. December 2023 8 pm  Otto Hashmi

recorder &  live electronics (u.a. dance macabre)

Acclaimed recorder player and multi-instrumentalist Otto Hashmi fuses ancient music with the sounds of today, presenting a dynamic solo set in collaboration with Rothko.



Kunstraum London
21 Roscoe Street
London EC1Y 8PT
United Kingdom


Schöppingen (D): Living Library Schöppingen & Outdoor Parcour

19. November 2023


Sunday, 19 November 2023, 12-16 h
Opening of the new library and the outdoor space parcours of the Künstlerdorf Schöppingen

The authors Vera Vorneweg and Grashina Gabelmann will be present to talk about the following projects over coffee and waffles:

The concept of the library of the artists’ village was developed and realised this year by the author Vera Vorneweg. In the successive redesign, global perspectives and multilingualism are taken into account on the one hand, but on the other hand, forms of literature beyond the book format are also taken into consideration. The library, with its character somewhere between an archive and a “living library”, will be continuously enriched with the perspectives of the participants.

Spread across the grounds of the artists’ village, nine signs now provide information about the historical background, developments and programme of the artists’ village. The author Grashina Gabelmann conducted interviews with contemporary witnesses, founders and contributors. Dorothée Hahne’s contribution can be found at station no. 7. Continue reading…

Troisdorf (D): Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow

12. November 2023

„Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow“
Composition and Improvisation

Hans-Peter Retzmann – Organ
Rainer Weber – Clarinette
Dorothée Hahne – Soprano, Didgeridoo, Conch shell, Sound performance, Live electronics Continue reading…

Altötting (D): Favourite Pieces 2023 – Maria Dorner-Hofmann

7. November 2023

Maria Dorner-Hofmann – Concert Recorders, Goat Horn, Native Flute, Electronics
Continue reading…

Salzburg (A): Musical tones of mindfulness – TelePartY

30. September 2023

In the Salzburg area, two young artists from the support of highly gifted students of the
Leopold Mozart Institute at the Mozarteum Salzburg are giving concerts:

Elisabeth Pihusch, Violine and Alexander Umundum, Recorder

Concert program: Continue reading…

TelePartY @ 1st ERPS Video Competition 2023

Update: Alexander is 1st prize winner in category “recorder paradise” !

In July 2023, an exceptional young emerging artist, 11-year-old Alexander Umundum from Austria, was awarded three first prizes at the ORDA Competition in Amsterdam. He was judged both by the jury as the best in his age group and by the audience as the best of all participants in the competition. He received another award for the special concert programme in which he grandly interpreted the interactive composition “TelePartY” (for solo instrument and 4-channel live electronics) as a contemporary contribution. In the meantime, there is a recording of it and this video is taking part in another online competition in which the most clicks and ratings are decisive. One more reason to like and recommend this video. It is also worth mentioning that everything is recorded live, so no playbacks are used!

Bonn (D): Beethovenfest – Chaos of Culture

5. September 2023

Duo Sono Eternity

Duo Sono Eternity
Sophia Schambeck recorders
Sebastian Wielandt percussion

Works by Hildegard von Bingen, acob van Eyck, Johann Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, Philipp Glass, Dorothée Hahne, Luciano Berio as well as original compositions and improvisations Continue reading…