
Hannover: Concert of RAM Fellows 2015 Tabea Wink

17. November 2015

With the RAMgrant from the Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung one of the best Lower Saxony participants in the federal competition “Jugend musiziert isthe door to be opened in the international music scene by a two-week master class at the prestigious London Royal Academy of Music. The scholarship holder will also receive a one-day, individually tailored coaching in the areas of public speaking and presentation as support on his way into working life.
At lunchtime concert Tabea Wink presented their skills and reports of their stay in the British capital.

Program (among others):

Dorothée Hahne: TelePartyfor alto recorder & live electronics
Commissioned by “Impulse Young Artists / New Music
the German Music Council for Tabea Wink Continue reading »

Karlsruhe (D): TelePartY @ WESPE / Tabea Wink

18. September 2015

JuMu_LogoWith WESPEYouth Makes Music” sets new initiatives and priorities. More than in the national competition Youth Makes Music it comes to provide the instrumental skills to the service of the music and not yet listed to devote lesser-known or particularly difficult to interpret works..

Youth Makes Musicwill encourage the best young performers to deal with the unknown and to risk the new. Productive curiosity and creativity are encouraged. In addition to the competition also encounter character plays an important role. Continue reading »

London (UK): Arranged by Block4

3. December 2015




Emily Bannister, Lucy Carr, Katie Cowling, Rosie Land

BLOCK4 present a programme of arrangements for the recorder quartet, ranging from the medieval period to the present day. Works by composers such as Handel and Caccini are re-imagined by the quartet, showcasing the versatility of the recorder.


Anon.: Saltarello
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935): Pari Intervallo
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759): Capriccio in F major, HWV 481
Kazimierz Serocki (1922-1981): Arrangements
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611): O Magnum Mysterium
Dorothee Hahne (b.1966): Dance Macabre (Quartetversion) Continue reading »

Schleiden: „Hurra mit Kriegsgebrüll“

6. September 2015

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Eifel-Plakat-2015Szenische Lesung über die Eifel zwischen Heimatfront und Schlachtfeld im Ersten Weltkrieg

mit Daniel Kröhnert und Erik Schumacher.

“Beeindruckendes Theater: Verführte Jugend wird in den Tod geschickt”

Erschütternde Dokumente fand Pfarrer Erik Schumacher in den Annalen der Evangelischen Trinitatis-Kirchengemeinde Schleidener Tal. Es handelt sich um Hasspredigten, die während des Ersten Weltkrieges von der Kanzel hinab die Jugend aufforderten, für das geliebte deutsche Vaterland in den Krieg zu ziehen. Recherchen von Schülern des Städtischen Gymnasiums Schleiden zeigten: Die Predigten fanden Gehör. Sie stießen auf das Schicksal von 13 Jugendlichen im Alter zwischen 14 und 16 Jahren, die sich älter machten, als Kinder in den Krieg zogen und starben.

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Bremen: Debut concert Duo Antlia “Unearthly”

9. July 2015

Duo Antlia - BArbara Heindlmeier & Julia Fritzmusic im museum

Debut concert with Julia Fritz and Barbara Heindlmeier (recorder)

Program (u.a.)

Dorothée Hahne: dance  macabre (Duo Version) & commentari III

9th Juli 2015 19:30 Gerhard-Marcks-Haus, Am Wall 208, 28195 Bremen, Germany

Music in the Museum a series of concerts of Gerhard Marcks House and the University of the Arts Bremen, Department of Music

Fee: 4,50 / 3 Euro

Kiel (D): Four Countries Concert – Jugend Musiziert

13. June 2015
10. July 2015

Jugend Musiziert

At the highest level the federal award winners from the four northern German states make music in the four country concert, which this time goes on Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 16 clock in musiculum in Kiel on stage.

Program (u.o.) Dorothée Hahne: “TelePartY” for alNDR_Kultur_Logo.svgto recorder & live electronics
Commission of the German Music Council for Tabea Wink within the project
“Impulse – Young Interpreters / New Music” Continue reading »

Munich: “The Long Night of Music” at Gasteig – Sophia Schambeck

9. May 2015

LangeNachtderMusikMu2015A musical journey from Venice to Utrecht, from the Middle Ages to today: minstrel dances, which were presumably carried forward to the year 1200 in the marketplaces, Dutch music of the Renaissance and works of High Baroque by J.S. Bach and A. Vivaldi; experimental music of the 20th century by L. Berio, and even Sophia Schambeckcontemporary works with electronics (Dorothée Hahne: commentari III).

Sophia Schambeck (recorder)
Stellario Fagone (piano)

Blackbox im Gasteig
Rosenheimer Straße 5
D – 81667 München

Braunschweig: German-Polish community concert

9. May 2015

D_P_Konzert09052015From 06 to 11 May 20 music school pupils from the Polish Cieszyn are guests in Braunschweig. Guests reciprocate so that a visit to a music group from Braunschweig in October of last year. The music school partnership between Braunschweig and Cieszyn consists by now for over ten years.

Traditionally, let music lovers hosts and guests share their skills as part of a public community concert, which takes place in the Old Town City Hall Dornse of Braunschweig on May 9. Beginning 18 clock, free admission, donations would be appreciated. Continue reading »

Hallein (A): TRIO INVENTO “Electrified”

13. June 2015

Trio InVento Christine Sedlmeier, Christina Leimgruber, Eva Heitzinger  – recorder

Concert program:

Dorothée Hahne (*1966) dance macabre
Vincenzo Ruffo (ca. 1508-1587) La Gamba in basso e soprano
Kazimierz Serocki (1922-1981) Arrangements
Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565) Tutto’ l dì piango – Lasso, che pur
Marco Uccellini (ca. 1603-1680) Aria sopra la Bergamasca
Wojtek Blecharz (*1981) Airlines
Guillaume Dufay (ca. 1397-1474) Vergene bella, che di sol vestita
Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370-1412) Una Panthera
Nick Roth (*1982) A Way A Lone A Last
Marios Joannou Elia (*1978) Staubzucker
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Freising: TRIO INVENTO “Electrified”

18. April 2015

Christine Sedlmeier, Christina Leimgruber, Eva Heitzinger – recorder

Concert program:32d2b02223

Dorothée Hahne (*1966) dance macabre
Vincenzo Ruffo (ca. 1508-1587) La Gamba in basso e soprano
Kazimierz Serocki (1922-1981) Arrangements
Cipriano de Rore (1516-1565) Tutto’ l dì piango – Lasso, che pur
Marco Uccellini (ca. 1603-1680) Aria sopra la Bergamasca
Wojtek Blecharz (*1981) Airlines
Guillaume Dufay (ca. 1397-1474) Vergene bella, che di sol vestita
Johannes Ciconia (ca. 1370-1412) Una Panthera
Nick Roth (*1982) A Way A Lone A Last
Marios Joannou Elia (*1978) Staubzucker

A delightful mix of electrifyingpulsating sounds of the new and quietflowing pieces of early music awaits the listener when Sedlmeier Christine, Christina Leimgruber and Eve Heitzinger pick up their instruments. Continue reading »

Wolfenbüttel (D): Prize Winner Concert Jugend Musiziert NI TelePartY

3. May 2015

LMA-NIConcert of the winners of the state competition “Jugend Musiziert” Niedersachsen 2015

Program (a.o..): Tabea Wink (1. Prize, 25 P.) – alto recorder

Dorothée Hahne: “TelePartY” for alto recorder & live electronics

(Commissioned by the German Music Council for the project “Impulse – Young Interpreters/New Music!” for Tabea Wink)

The concert will be recorded by NDR and broadcasted on June 6 at 20:05 in the show “Music Land Niedersachsen”

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Braunschweig: TeleParty Preisträgerkonzert Jugend Musiziert

21. February 2015

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Jugend MusiziertAm 23. Januar 2015 wurde beim Regionalwettbewerb Jugend Musiziert in Braunschweig die Komposition “TeleParty” für Altblockflöte & Live-Elektronik uraufgeführt, die im Auftrag des Projektes des Deutschen Musikrats “Impulse – Junge Interpreten/Neue Musik!” für die Flötistin Tabea Wink komponiert wurde.  Tabea Wink, die mit Höchtpunktzahl mit einem ersten Preis ausgezeichnet wurde, wird die Auftragskomposition beim Preisträgerkonzert am Samstag, den 21. Februar 2015 um 16:00 Uhr in der Dornse des Braunschweiger Altstadtrathauses aufführen.

Ort: Dornse des Altstadtrathauses, Altstadtmarkt 7, 38100 Braunschweig

Augsburg (D): real time slow motion – Duo Recordronik – recorder & electronic

20. March 2015

recordronicElisabeth Haselberger and Petra Wurz (recorder and electronic)
EMERGE and Gerald Fiebig (electronic)

concert programm:

Klaus Hollinetz „Islands and Streams“ (2006)
Periklis Liakakis „Dist(ohr)tion“ (2010)
Christoph Cech „Domina Domina“ (2008)
Dorothée Hahne „dance macabre“ (2006)
Agostino Di Scipio „4 variazioni sul ritmo del vento (1995)
Fabrizio de Rossi Re „Salse per Gru, Anatre, Pernici, Tortore, Colombacci, Colombi e diversi Ucelli“ (1993)
EMERGE Neues Werk (2015, UA)
Gerald Fiebig Neues Werk (2015, UA)
In COOPERATION with the events series echokammer Continue reading »