
Kingston (CA): Solo Virtuoso Recorder with Electronics – Vinzent Lauzer

28. November 2014

img_VincentNew Music Kingston is thrilled to be presenting the Kingston premiere of Breakthrough Artist of the Year (2012 Opus Awards), Vincent Lauzer, virtuoso recorder player from Montréal. A prize winner many times over, he was most recently awarded the Prix Guy-Soucie for best performance of a Québec work by Patrick Mathieu at the Prix d’Europe 2013… 2012, First Prize during the Stepping Stone of the Canada Music Competition and the Career Development Award from the Women’s Musical Club of Toronto … 2010, 1st prize in the first Mathieu-Duguay Early Music Competition held at the Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival … 1st Prize and the Audience Appreciation Prize in the 3rd Montreal International Recorder Competition … best Canadian Recorder Player Prize … Montreal Baroque Prize for Audaciousness and Musicality in the Galaxie-CBC Rising Stars Competition during the Montreal Baroque Festival in 2007. Vincent has performed with the series Clavecin en concert and with the ensembles Les Idées Heureuses, Arion, and La Bande Montréal Baroque. He is also a founding member of the ensemble Recordare, which was one of the five finalists in the Early Music America/Naxos Recording Competition. He has toured and recorded extensively with the recorder quintet Flûte Alors! His Kingston program will include performances on recorders of all sizes with the addition of electroacoustic material… you will be amazed! Vincent will also be presenting a workshop/demonstration on Saturday morning, November 29… more information to follow.

Venue: Isabel Bader Centre for Performing Arts, 390 King St W, Kingston, ON K7L 2X4, Kanada, Telefon:+1 613-533-2424

BR: Sehen statt Hören – dance meets Sign Language

4. October 2014

The dance theater production “Hexen GmbH” with the inclusive dance project tanzbar_bremen was in the last year a very moving, beautiful and fruitful experience. In particular, this applies to the exciting collaboration with the deaf sign language teacher and dancer Doris Geist. The Bavarian television had the “Hexen GmbH” visited and sent a TV report on 4 October 2014 ( available in the BR mediathek by clicking on the image below).


Ludwigshafen: tanzbar_bremen @ no ballet – 9th International Choreography Competition 2014

20. November 2014bis23. November 2014

noballet2014Fine and exciting news:

tanzbar_bremen is invited from 20/11/ up to 23/11/2014 with an excerpt from “Witches GmbH” to the 9th international choreography competition “No Ballet” to Ludwigshafen

A great honor for the project for contemporary dance for people with and without disabilities, as only 16 groups from over 350 submissions from around the world were selected for this invitation by a renowned jury.

Click here for all informations about the competition


Neubrandenburg: Jugend Musiziert – Sonderwettbewerb Wespe 2014

27. September 2014
28. September 2014

WESPE – “Weekend special prices” has been held since 2008, following the federal competition “Jugend Musiziert” held an exclusive offer only for Federal winners and award winners of “Jugend Musiziert”.

More than in the national competition “Jugend Musiziert” is what WESPE about providing the instrumental skills in the service of music and not yet listed to devote less known or particularly difficult to interpret works of the 20th and 21st centuries. In the WESPE emancipated artist is asked!

Jugend Musiziert“Jugend Musiziert” wants to encourage the best young performers to deal with the unknown and the risk of the new. Productive curiosity and creativity should be encouraged. In addition to the competition also encounter character plays an important role here meet under the common denominator of a certain special price different occupations and all age groups.

In this year’s contest Sophia Schambeck will participate with “commentari III“.


Regionale Schule Mitte “Fritz Reuter”
Katharinenstrasse 1
10733 Neubrandenburg (Germany)

Update: Sophia Schambeck is awarded a special prize in the category “best interpretation of the work of a composer” . The prizewinners’ concert took place on 28.0.2014 at 10:30 in the concert church Neubrandenburg.


Amsterdam (NL): “First year students” Sophia Schambeck

18. September 2014

As part of the concert “first year students” “commentari III” will be performed on 18th of September 2014 at 7:30 p.m. by Sophia Schambeck.


Conservatorium van Amsterdam / Sweelinckzaal

Oosterdokskade 151
1011 DL Amsterdam


Münster: Atelier Tassilo Sturm / Long Night of Museums und Galleries

20. September 2014


As part of the “long Night of Museums and Galleries” there are music by Anja Kreysing (accordion & live electronics) and Dorothée Hahne (sound objects & live electronics) to the works of the  in Münster living and working artist Tassilo Sturm.
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Graz (A): Bachelor Konzert Lisa Zink

1. October 2014




As part of her bachelor diploma concert “dance macabre” will be performed for recorder and live electronics by Lisa Zink at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz on 1st october at 5 p.m..


University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Sankt Leonhard, 8010 Graz, Austria

Birmingham (UK): Birmingham International Recorder Festival

2. November 2014

ChrisOrton_NathanMcDowellFrom 1 to 2 November 2014, the Birmingham International Recorder Festival takes place. Among the highlights of the festival can be found on the 2nd November the event ‘Performing with Electronics’ taster session with Chris Orton, who will present his interpretations of compositions für recorder and electronics in an additional concert with this program:

Hahne – dance macabre, Fabrizio de Rossi Re – Salse per Gru, Anatre, Pernici, Tortore, Colombacci, Colombi e Diversi Uccelli, Fausto Romitelli – Seascape, Giorgio Tedde – Austro, Hahne – Luscinia


Birmingham Conservatoire
Birmingham City University
Paradise Place
B3 3HG
United Kingdom

More information about the festival

Firence (I): Rotlicht – the sounds of dance

18. October 2014

Photo: Ursula Kaufmann

ROTLICHT – Die Geräusche des Tanzes

Henrietta Horn – Choreographie/Tanz
Dorothée Hahne – Komposition/Klang
Reinhard Hubert – Licht/Pixel

Internationales Festival Costante Cambiamento | Florenz (Italien)

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D’dorf: Rotlicht @ Internationale Tanzmesse

30. August 2014

tanzmesse2014ROTLICHT – The Sounds of dance

Henrietta Horn – Choreography/Dance
Dorothée Hahne – Composition/Sound
Reinhard Hubert – Light/Pixel

“ROTLICHT” is a mutually inspired play. Just as Henrietta Horn reacts to sounds and translates them into dance, the multi-instrumentalist Dorothée Hahne orientates her music around the movements of the dancer thereby enabling us to experience them acoustically – sometimes with an Alpine horn and sometimes with live electronic music. A performance located somewhere between elegance and chaos and built on unconditional trust.

DruckPerformance Parcours  Internationalen Tanzmesse 2014

Venue: Weltkunstzimmer | Hans Peter Zimmer Stiftung
Ronsdorfer Str. 77a  ¦ 40233 Düsseldorf
Entre:  5,- Euro

Munich: Jugend musiziert for moment of glory

25. October 2014

sophia_schambeck.250x0 Performed by current regional, state and national winners of the “Jugend Musiziert” Competitions – inter alia Sophia Shambeck, which was excellent in 2014 twice with the special prize for the outstanding interpretation of a contemporary work (commentari III).

The proceeds of the concert comes the charity campaign “moments of glory” of the Bavarian Radio to Good. The concert is a joint collaboration between sound artists Munich, align the regional competition, star moments eV and the Bavarian insurance chamber.

Sophia Schambec will be accompanied by the composer Dorothée Hahne at the live electronics

Ort: Allerheiligenhofkirche der Residenz in München

25. Oktober , um 19.00 Uhr

Schleißheim: 16. Schlossfest – Konzert im Barocksaal

4. July 2014

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

postkarte_rueckseite-Web_kopf16. Schlossfest Schleißheim

“Heiter in den Sommerabend”

zu Gunsten der Aktion:

“Lions Schleißheim fördert Kinder und Jugendliche” Continue reading »

Dortmund: ROTLICHT – Horn/Hahne

10. July 2014
11. July 2014

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Die Stadtkirche St. Reinoldi bittet wieder zum Tanz: 2014 bilden Tanzperformance, experimentelle Musik und die besondere Architektur des Kirchenraums einen einzigartigen Dreiklang. Die Tänzerin Henrietta Horn reagiert mit ihrem Körper auf die  Klänge der Musikerin Dorothée Hahne – und umgekehrt. Es entsteht ein wechselseitiger Dialog: miteinander, mit dem Raum und vielleicht auch Ihnen und Ihrer Wahrnehmung auf den sakralen Raum. Wir möchten Sie herzlich einladen zu diesem außergewöhnlichen multimedialen Erlebnis und, wenn Sie mögen, zum regen Austausch im Anschluss.

ROTLICHT – Achtung, Aufnahme!

Henrietta Horn (Tanz) und Dorothée Hahne (Musik), Reinhard Hubert (Licht, Video)
Donnerstag, 10.7. und Freitag, 11.7.2014, 21 Uhr (Dauer: ca. 60 Minuten)
Stadtkirche St. Reinoldi, Ostenhellweg 2, 44135 Dortmund
Eintritt: 15 € | erm. 10 € Continue reading »