H-Blog - von einer, die auszog das Glauben zu lernen

Schöppingen (D): 1. Laying of Stolpersteine

19. December 2023

Invitation to participate in the laying of

Stumbling Stones for the Ransenberg family

on 19 December 2023 9:00 am

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CD release: blue – experimental music in the church space

Churches are not only architecturally significant spaces, they are also places of encounter and worship, social spaces, different spaces and also sound spaces. The Archdiocese of Paderborn commissioned compositions for electronic music for these special spaces, which were premiered in September 2023. This double CD documents the compositions. [Further information about the project]

Composers: Florian Zwissler, Oxana Omelchuk, Dorothée Hahne, Tobias T. Hagedorn, Ralf Hoyer, Florian Hartlieb, Nikolaus Heyduck, Ulf Pleines, Christina Kubisch, Christoph Ogiermann und Matthias Krüger.
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TelePartY @ 1st ERPS Video Competition 2023

Update: Alexander is 1st prize winner in category “recorder paradise” !

In July 2023, an exceptional young emerging artist, 11-year-old Alexander Umundum from Austria, was awarded three first prizes at the ORDA Competition in Amsterdam. He was judged both by the jury as the best in his age group and by the audience as the best of all participants in the competition. He received another award for the special concert programme in which he grandly interpreted the interactive composition “TelePartY” (for solo instrument and 4-channel live electronics) as a contemporary contribution. In the meantime, there is a recording of it and this video is taking part in another online competition in which the most clicks and ratings are decisive. One more reason to like and recommend this video. It is also worth mentioning that everything is recorded live, so no playbacks are used!

AI Test: Dorothée Hahne playes Alphorn

It made me curious to see how an AI sees it.

Here are the results, which are only good for an April joke:

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KI Test: Hildegard von Bingen composes on a computer

It made me curious to see how an AI sees it:

Here are the results:

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AI Test: Beethoven composes on a computer

It made me curious to see how an AI sees it:

Here are the results:

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Protected: Live electronic chamber music in 3 clicks

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ERTA (UK): Zoom – Meet the composer – Dorothée Hahne

8. February 2023


8th February 2023


Dorotheé Hahne

Meet the composer/playing with live
electronics & Max/MSP

19:00 hrs UK time (20:00 DE)

Free for ERTA members and students
10 GBP for non – members

To register, e-mail chris.orton @ erta.org.uk

Compositions for and with recorder

In addition to the lecture at the 24th ERTA Congress 2022, here is an overview on my compositions for recorder.

All the works, with the exception of the instrumental and two works with playback, are realized with live- electronics by Max/MSP patches, which are available with the sheet music. Some compositions have been published in the edition newsic, others will follow and are already available on request. The composition “Yesterday – Today – Tomorrow” was published by Carus-Verlag. The work titles are linked to further information in the ouevre catalogue.
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Augsburg (D): Gala Concert – Organ music in times of Corona

18. September 2022

Cologne (D): Chamber Remix Cologne

30. December 2021

Reflection and confidence: “Organ music in times of Corona”.

The German Music Council, together with the German Bishops’ Conference and the Evangelical Church in Germany to carry out the project “Organ Music in Times of Corona.” The project is a contribution to the “Year of the Organ,” which the state music councils have proclaimed for 2021. The project produced 17 compositions for organ that artistically reflect the Corona period in an artistic way. In the fall of 2021, these organ works will be performed in numerous concerts and church services. In this way, musical life will be actively and to encourage the listeners to deal with the experiences of the pandemic experiences. The project will conclude with a finissage concert on Nov. 21 2021, at which all 17 compositions will be performed together. The project is supported funded by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Continue reading ‘Reflection and confidence: “Organ music in times of Corona”.’ »

Karma police news