
Cologne: Matinee – Altern. Cologne honorary citizenship Irene Franken

[ 8. January 2017; 11:00; ] Matinee

“Half of Heaven”
Ceremony of the fourth alternatives Cologne honorary citizenship to Irene Franken, Historian
Moderation: Jürgen Becker
Impuls: Franz Meurer
Laudatio: Dr. Kerstin Wolff
Credits: Carmen Thomas, Dr. Witich Rossmann, Volker Beck, Dr. Muriel Gonzales-Athenas, Dr. Karola Fings
First Congratulations: Henriette Reker
Compositionen from Dorothée Hahne:
” O Ecclesia” Sequence aboutthe St. Ursula von Hildegard von Bingen for tenor recorder & didgeridoo
“es […]

Cologne: Evening of Mercy

[ 23. September 2016; 21:00; ] At this year’s Cologne Cathedral pilgrimage (22th – 25th September 2016) will be held at 21 o’clock the evening of Mercy on 23 September.

The Cologne Cathedral is inviting visually and audibly in a special way to prayer and contemplation: images of the Hubble Space Telescope are projected in side the Cathedral, giving an impression of […]

Münster: Christine Westenberger – Fragmente (Vernissage)

[ 18. September 2016; 15:00; ]

Introduktion: Jonas Dessouky MA,
Music: Dorothee Hahne, composer, live-electronics

Galerie SO66, Soester Str. 66, 48155 Münster

Opening times:

18.09.2016 – 31.10.2016, Sa + So 15:00-18:00 Uhr

Münsterland: 3rd vegan trade fair “Go vegan”

[ 11. September 2016; 10:00 bis 18:00. ] With music from Dorothée Hahne:

“Milk und Honey” for trumpet, didgeridoo & live-electronics


Leipzig: Solo – Dorothée Hahne

[ 2. September 2016; ] Update: Unfortunately, the concert had to be canceled due to illness.
Anläßlich der 90. Mitgliederversammlung der Gedok:

Dorothée Hahne

Klangerzeuger & Live-Elektronik
galerie KUB
Forum für zeitbasierte Kunst und politische Kultur
Kantstrasse 18 . 04275 . leipzig . germany

WDR 2 key day: Theophanu – Europe unknown ruler

[ 15. June 2016; 09:40 bis 09:45. 18:40 bis 18:45. ] Today 1025 years ago died the Empress Theophano, whose tomb is located in Cologne’s St. Panteleimon Cathedral. The journalist Claudia Friedrich reminded in your miniature portrait of the European unknown ruler with excerpts from my Theophanu concert, which was first performed in 2000 in St. Pantaleon.

The broadcast WDR 2 key date is here audibly a […]

Wien: Diplom Florian Huber

[ 22. January 2016; 11:00; ] Sorry, this entry is only available in German.Programm für die 2. Diplomprüfung im Instrumentalstudium Blockflöte

von Florian Huber


Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Raum M0101, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, A 1030 Wien

22.1.2016 11:00

Köln: Aschermittwoch der Künstler 2016

[ 10. February 2016; 14:30 bis 16:30. ] Sorry, this entry is only available in German.
Akademie zum Aschermittwoch



Worte der Begrüßung

Prälat Josef Sauerborn



Von der Unausweichlichkeit des Spiels: Überlegungen zum Theater als Denkfigur.

Prof. Dr. Peter W. Marx

Professor der Theater- u. Medienwissenschaft, Universität zu Köln

Direktor der Theaterwissenschaftlichen Sammlung

Musik zur Akademie

Dorothée Hahne, Komponistin

“Verborgene Spindel im Mond”

4-Stimmiger Kanon für Sopran und Live-Elektronik (2008)

“Variationen im freien Fall”

für akustische Klangerzeuger […]

Kamen (D): Vernissage – Tassilo Sturm

[ 4. February 2016; 19:30; ]

Köln: Der erste Weltkrieg aus der Sicht von Zeitgenossinnen

[ 6. November 2015; 19:00; ] Sorry, this entry is only available in German.Minna Cauer, Jo Mihaly
Zeitgenossinnen schreiben bewegende Texte zum Ersten Weltkrieg. Gelesen werden sie von den Schauspielerinnen Renate Fuhrmann (Grenzlandtheater Aachen) und Michelle Patz, musikalisch begleitet von der Musikerin und Komponistin Dorothee Hahne.

Die ungewöhnlich aufgeweckte Schülerin Elfriede Kuhr (genannte Piete) aus Schneidemühl an der Ostgrenze, die ihrer Großmutter bei […]

Hannover: Concert of RAM Fellows 2015 Tabea Wink

[ 17. November 2015; 13:00 bis 13:40. ] With the RAM-grant from the Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung one of the best Lower Saxony participants in the federal competition “Jugend musiziert is” the door to be opened in the international music scene – by a two-week master class at the prestigious London Royal Academy of Music. The scholarship holder will also receive a one-day, individually tailored […]

Karlsruhe (D): TelePartY @ WESPE / Tabea Wink

[ 18. September 2015; 16:00; ] With WESPE “Youth Makes Music” sets new initiatives and priorities. More than in the national competition “Youth Makes Music” it comes to provide the instrumental skills to the service of the music and not yet listed to devote lesser-known or particularly difficult to interpret works..

“Youth Makes Music” will encourage the best young performers to deal with […]

London (UK): Arranged by Block4

[ 3. December 2015; 18:30 bis 19:30. ] .



Emily Bannister, Lucy Carr, Katie Cowling, Rosie Land

BLOCK4 present a programme of arrangements for the recorder quartet, ranging from the medieval period to the present day. Works by composers such as Handel and Caccini are re-imagined by the quartet, showcasing the versatility of the recorder.


Anon.: Saltarello
Arvo Pärt (b. 1935): Pari Intervallo
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759): Capriccio […]