Archive of posts tagged Stevko Busch


13. October 2001

We invite you to exhibition and concert of the videophonic soundscape


part of the European TryTone Festival 2001

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Paulus Potterstraat 13

13. 0ctober 2001

Exhibition: 12.00 – 15.00 pm
Concert: 15.00 – 16.00 pm


co-composed videophonic soundscape

Stevko Busch, electronics
Iris Hoppe, video

Rozalie Hirs, electronics
Dorothée Hahne, electronics

Norbert Scholly, live-electronics
Kai Wolff, live-electronics
Patrick Hagen, clarinet
Tobias Klein, bass clarinet
Christian Thomé, percussion
Dieter Manderscheid, double bass

Seven speakers form a three-dimensional audio environment within a counterpoint of three video screens. Such is the setting of the videophonic soundscape EUROPEALIS – MEETING POINT.

The co-composition leads you into an acoustic environment of european languages, live-generated electronic and acoustic sounds – surrounded by videosequences of daily encounters between people in various public spaces. The soundscape creates a multilayered field of possible comments on the cultural identities of the protagonists­ while the video-installation offers several surfaces to project these comments.

Europealis -­ Meeting Point is the result of co-composition of the artists involved. It presents a sound-image of communicational processes, covering aspects as individual freedom, cultural identity, selfrestriction and the creation of a common structure.

The flow of sound and video is tuned to a mathematic transformation of the European degrees of latitude projected on a timeline. These timeintervals form the framework of the whole setting. The individual works of the artists integrate into the chosen timestructure and become subordinate to the crossover collaboration, developing a non-linear three-dimensional environment.

The European Gallery of Tones was founded in 1998 by Stevko Busch. As a pool of autonomous artists it works on the realisation of soundart-exhibitions
and concerts of contemporary music.