Archive of posts tagged Hannover

Hannover: Concert of RAM Fellows 2015 Tabea Wink

17. November 2015

With the RAMgrant from the Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung one of the best Lower Saxony participants in the federal competition “Jugend musiziert isthe door to be opened in the international music scene by a two-week master class at the prestigious London Royal Academy of Music. The scholarship holder will also receive a one-day, individually tailored coaching in the areas of public speaking and presentation as support on his way into working life.
At lunchtime concert Tabea Wink presented their skills and reports of their stay in the British capital.

Program (among others):

Dorothée Hahne: TelePartyfor alto recorder & live electronics
Commissioned by “Impulse Young Artists / New Music
the German Music Council for Tabea Wink Continue reading »

Hannover: TelePartY @ JuMu LW NDS – TelePartY

14. March 2015

Jugend MusiziertJugend Musiziert Landeswettbewerb Niedersachsen

Tabea Wink – recorder

Programmu.a. D. Hahne: “TeleParty” für alto recorder & live electronics

Venue: Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover, Emmichplatz 1 ,30175 Hannover