500 years after Gerhard Mercator’s birth humankind is able to fly into space/orbit and to get the big picture of overview with one’s own eyes.

View from orbit on earth with atmosphere, photographed from ISS Expedition 13 Foto: NASA
The focus for the selected images of Overview video projections based on forms and structures whose origin partly in millions of years, partly by mankind in decades/centuries and sometimes only for a moment due to wind and clouds caused. All images, captured from orbit, presenting human “moments” as a prospect to earth in a diverse abstract to expressionistic art. On demand at the ESA/ESOC, Istarted to explore the NASA image archive “the gateway to astronaut photography of Earth” with over 4.5 million photos, all taken from astronauts from Earth.

Posted from Chris Hadfield at 11. April 2013 with the comment: These Great Barrier Reef islands make me want to draw in the second eye. Foto: Chris Hadfield/NASA
Here I could detect images of the ISS Expedition 13 of the present ESA President Thomas Reiter, the first German who walked in space in 1995 and even played guitar 2006 in the ISS. The pictures of Frank De Winne, Paolo Nespoli and Andre Kuipers I found in the social media streams of the astronauts.
In 2012, The Mercator year, Chris Hadfield was the first astronaut, able to share his view of the world through the Internet with millions of people. Among his more than 800 photos from orbit, with a keen sense positioned views of the earth can be found – with fascinating structures, shapes and colors.

Sunset, photographed from ISS Expedition 20 with Frank De Winne. Foto: NASA
The pictures of Chris Hadfield have therefore taken the lion’s share in the projections of Overview and support by Chris Hadfield and Evan Hadfield are my great honor and pleasure for which I am very grateful.
The photographs of Luca Parmitano will be seen during the premiere of the Mercator projection, too and himself is located on ISS at the same time. The Duisburg Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Seokwon Hong presents on 17 October 2013 at 7 p.m. “The Pulse of the Planet: 51 ° 26 ‘N, 6 ° 45’ E” and in the same time the ISS will have almost completely once orbited the Planet Earth.